The majestic Bernese Mountain Dog originates from the farmhouses and pastures of the Swiss Alps. Their history is one of hard work and dedication while surrounded by both frigid winters and cool, mild summers. It’s this versatility that has allowed the breed to thrive in the challenging Alpine environment for centuries.
However, for Berners living in climates quite different from their ancestral Swiss homeland, managing their comfort in more extreme hot and cold weather can prove challenging for owners. Their lush, thick coats that insulate them from Alpine winters can quickly overheat them when brought to warmer tropical or desert climates. And their paws and fur that withstood icy snow can struggle in the scorching heat of southern summers.
Understanding a Bernese Mountain Dog’s ideal temperature range and making adjustments to care based on climate is key to keeping them healthy and happy in hotter or colder environments. With knowledge of the breed’s history coupled with observant ownership, Bernese Mountain Dogs can adapt and live fulfilled lives in many types of weather extremes. This blog post explores tips and considerations for Bernese owners dealing with climates outside the dog’s natural Alpine habitat. Focusing on aspects like heat management, cold weather precautions, and acclimation strategies can set up both the owner and Berner for success, no matter the weather.
1. Bernese Mountain Dog Temperature Range
When considering the ideal conditions for a Bernese Mountain Dog, it’s important to understand both their preferences and their limitations. Originating from the moderate Alpine climate, Berners are most comfortable in cooler weather ranging from 55-65°F. This is the temperature range that allows them to regulate their body heat while not getting too cold.
Tolerance to Warmer Weather
Bernese dogs can tolerate short periods of time in warmer weather up to 75°F. However, their thick double coats prevent effective heat dissipation. Anything over 75°F can start to cause overheating, which needs to be addressed through cooling measures. Prolonged exposure to temps over 85°F can lead to heat stroke, which requires emergency veterinary treatment.
Flourishing in Cold Climates
In cold climates, Bernese Mountain Dogs tend to flourish, thanks to their insulating fur and high activity levels. They are well equipped to withstand freezing temperatures with proper precautions like warm shelter and coat protection. However, it’s recommended to limit their time spent outdoors during extremely cold weather below 20°F.
Monitoring and Care in Extreme Conditions
In both hot and cold extremes, diligent monitoring of the dog is required. Signs of distress like heavy panting, shivering, or unusual lethargy signal a need to get the Berner back into their ideal temperature range. Providing a climate-controlled indoor space is key to giving them a reprieve from exterior temperature extremes.
Ensuring Health and Welfare
While Bernese Mountain Dogs can temporarily handle more heat or cold than their preferred 55-65°F, taking steps to keep them in this ideal comfort zone will ensure their health and welfare in any climate. With informed care adjusted to conditions, the Bernese can thrive while staying true to their Alpine roots.
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2. Bernese Mountain Dogs in Hot Climates

For Bernese Mountain Dogs, hot climates like deserts, tropics, and humid regions can pose serious health risks. Compared to their native Swiss Alps, these environments of sustained heat and high humidity are challenging for the breed’s thick double coat. Two major concerns in hot weather are heat stroke and dehydration.
Heat Stroke Risk
Heat stroke occurs when a dog’s internal body temperature becomes dangerously high. It demands emergency vet care to avoid organ damage or death. For Bernese dogs, the combination of insulation from their fur coat along with physical activity and environmental heat can quickly cause overheating.
Dehydration also goes hand in hand with heat exposure. As Bernese pants cool down, they expel moisture. And thick coats prevent air circulation to the skin. Frequent water stops are a must to avoid dehydration.
Cooling Strategies
To manage a Bernese in hot climates, focus on cooling. Provide constant access to shade, air conditioning, and fresh water. Exercise only during cooler morning and evening hours. Prevent overexertion or stimulate indoor play.
Cooling Treats and Aids
Special treats like Frosty Paws or toys frozen with water or chicken broth give cooling relief. Chill mats, cool baths, and wet towels placed over the neck are also effective. Trim and brush coats regularly to allow heat dissipation.
Monitoring and Immediate Vet Attention
Monitor for signs of overheating like excessive panting, bright red gums, disorientation, or unsteady gait. These require immediate vet attention to avoid lasting damage. With diligent care, Bernese Mountain Dogs can stay healthy even in extremely hot weather.
3. Bernese Mountain Dogs in Cold Climates

The northern climates of the United States, Canada, and Alaska can see frigid winters perfect for the Bernese Mountain Dog. Accustomed to snow in the Alps, Berners relish the cold weather. However, owners still need to take precautions against risks like hypothermia, frostbite, and hurting paws on ice.
Shelter and Insulation
Providing a warm, dry shelter is essential on cold days. Thick bedding off the ground gives insulation when resting. Time outdoors should be limited during extreme cold under 20°F. The Bernese coat gives protection down to freezing, but bitter cold and wind chill can still harm them.
Paw Protection
To protect paws on snow and ice, booties are recommended. They prevent painful ice buildup between toes and pad injuries from salt and chemical ice melt. Always wipe and dry your paws when coming inside.
Coat and Grooming
Keep coats conditioned with brushing and bathe only when necessary in winter. The oil in their fur helps repel snow and ice. Make sure toenails are trimmed to avoid ice clumping between the toes.
Nutrition in Cold Weather
Because Bernese Mountain Dogs have high energy, their calorie needs increase in cold weather. Feed them more nutritional food during winter months and supplement them with vitamins.
Antifreeze Awareness & Signs of Cold-Related Issues
Lastly, be vigilant that they don’t access automotive antifreeze, which has a sweet taste but is highly toxic. Monitor for signs of shivering, limping, disorientation, or slowed reactions and get them warm shelter immediately. With the right care, they can thrive in even the iciest climates.
4. Transitioning Bernese Mountain Dogs to Different Climates
When transitioning a Bernese Mountain Dog to a significantly different climate, take time the adjust. Moving from hot to cold climates or vice versa presents challenges for the dog to acclimate. Make the shift gradual over a period of weeks or months. This gives their coat time to adapt to temperature changes. And it allows monitoring for any signs of distress.
Adjustments to Consider
Several adjustments may be necessary in a new climate. Their diet may need more or less fat and calories. The coat may need to be groomed differently to help regulate body heat. And housing accommodations like air conditioning, heating, or shelter space should provide climate control.
Ongoing Veterinary Care
Ongoing vet check-ins help ensure the dog is tolerating the changes well. Bloodwork and weight checks identify any need to tweak nutrition. The vet can also advise on temporary supplements if needed.
Unsuitable Climates
In some extreme cases, a climate may simply be unsuitable for a Bernese Mountain Dog. If despite your best efforts the dog struggles with the heat, cold, or humidity, a different environment may be necessary for their health. The welfare of the dog should take priority over location.
Thriving in Various Climates
With deliberate transition steps, altering of care routines, and vet guidance, the Bernese can thrive in a variety of climates. Gradual acclimation sets them up for their best life, no matter the thermometer reading.
The Bernese Mountain Dog’s hardy nature, double coat, high energy, and loyal temperament allow them to adapt to diverse climates, from hot deserts to freezing tundra. Originating as Alpine farm dogs, Berners can survive in varying weather with responsible ownership. However, making appropriate adjustments to their care based on climate is crucial.
Their ideal temperature range is 55-65°F, but Bernese can temporarily handle more heat up to 80°F and cold below freezing if monitored closely. Signs of heat stress or chilling require urgent response. When transitioning to new climates, gradual acclimation over weeks and regular vet consultations ensure their health.
Some climate contrasts may exceed what a Bernese can realistically endure. Dramatically relocating them from extreme cold to intense heat can be highly challenging. Consider if a different climate may be needed based on veterinary guidance, prioritizing the dog’s welfare.
With diligent management tailored to their environment, the adaptable Bernese Mountain Dog can thrive in most climates. However, embarking on major location changes warrants careful vet consultation to support their health and comfort. In the end, informed decisions that optimize the Bernese’s well-being allow the breed to live joyfully across the thermometer’s range. Their resilience lets them call nearly any climate home when thoughtfully cared for.
What temperature is too hot for a Bernese Mountain Dog?
Temperatures above 75°F can cause overheating in Bernese Mountain Dogs. Their thick double coats prevent heat dissipation. Anything over 80°F can increase the risk of heat stroke. Extreme heat and humidity above 85°F can be dangerous if exposure is prolonged.
How to cool down a Bernese Mountain Dog?
If a Bernese is overheating, move them into shade or air conditioning. Offer cool water and wet them down with a hose or wet towels. Chill mats, misters, or fans help cool their bedding area. Limit exercise and provide frozen treats. Trim coat if severely overheated.
How hot is too hot for a Bernese Mountain Dog?
Temperatures above 75°F start to get uncomfortable for Bernese dogs. But anything over 80°F can cause overheating, especially with humidity and strenuous activity. 85°F and above is dangerous and requires emergency cooling.
Can a Bernese Mountain Dog survive in hot weather?
With proper shade, ventilation, access to water, and monitoring, Bernese Mountain Dogs can handle hot weather. But temperatures approaching 90°F with high humidity can be life-threatening without emergency vet treatment.
Can Bernese Mountain Dogs live in hot climates?
Bernese prefer more temperate climates but can live in hot areas with precautions like cooling mats, air conditioning, trimmed coats, and monitoring for heat stress. Gradual introduction to heat is important.
Do Bernese Mountain Dogs like snow?
Yes! Bernese Mountain Dogs were originally bred to work on farms and dairies in the snowy Swiss Alps. They generally enjoy cold weather and tolerate freezing temperatures very well.
What temperature can a Bernese Mountain Dog withstand?
Bernese Mountain Dogs can tolerate temperatures well below freezing (0°F and lower). However, it’s recommended to limit their time outdoors in extreme cold below 20°F or with wind chills below zero.
Do Bernese Mountain Dogs overheat easily?
Yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs’ thick double coats make it difficult for them to cool down and properly regulate their body temperature in hot, humid weather. This makes them prone to overheating.
What temperature do Bernese mountain dogs like?
The ideal temperature range for Bernese Mountain Dogs is 55-65°F. They are most comfortable in cool weather reminiscent of their native Swiss Alps.
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